Accountability(); Pt. 2 From failure to success
I've written many drafts of the second part of this, but in truth most of the development was pretty boring. I mean, I found it fun, but it's incredibly boring to write about so instead I am just going to do a quick overview of the development. It started out with me learning the Android SDK, which works a lot like C#, however is WAY more flexible and hands on, which I love. Instead of being limited to only designing the interface with the WISYWIG like in C#, you can manually design it will XML, and really dive deep under the hood to tell everything how to link together. I then built a "Server" application in C# that could be used on the desktop to add and edit the master list of students, and transfer it over to the tablets using .JSON with a push of a button. It was also planed to have this app be the main base for handling the inter-tablet communication. The app would read these .JSON files from local storage, and display this list with a few extra butto...